Naftosense Advanced Industrial Solutions

Naftosense hydrocarbon leak detection systems for the oil & gas industry are engineered for the harshest environments and installed in various settings in hazardous and non-hazardous areas. Installations include underground or above-ground structures and a myriad of applications, such as tank farms, underground storage tanks, pipelines, transfer lines, process units, and airport (see the diagrams below for samples).

Naftosense Control Panels and Monitoring Devices provide the supervision to Naftosense leak detection cable for fast, reliable, and precise detection of the presence of unwanted hydrocarbons.

Naftosense supports customers through knowledgeable and dedicated sales and support staff that can assist in selecting the proper leak detection system and matching ideal solutions with existing communications requirements. The following diagrams indicate areas where our products can provide you with unmatched leak detection.
naftosense advanced industrial solutions example
naftosense advanced industrial solutions example

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